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    Oil Companies Advisory Council is an organization dating back to the 1960s, when it was formed to be the official spokesman for the Downstream Oil Industry, namely Refining, Marketing, Distribution and Transportation.

    The functions of OCAC are manifold. OCAC represents the downstream oil industry at various forums in matters of common interest to their operations in Pakistan, serves as the data hub and provides statistical analysis as well as follows-up with the Ministries to ensure the continued viability of the downstream oil sector. The Downstream Oil Industry ensures uninterrupted supply of petroleum products to keep the wheels of industry and power generation turning, and thereby plays a very significant role in Pakistan’s economic development.

    Facts about the Downstream Oil Sector:

    1. Annual sales of over Rs. 3.0 Trillion
    2. Direct employment of over 100,000 people
    3. Indirect employment (transport sector) of another 24,000 people
    4. Capital investment exceeding Pak Rs. 50 Billion
    5. Annual generation of tax over Rs.1.25 Trillion
    6. A world-class IT Infrastructure
    7. Skill sets ranging from Technical, IT, Finance, Sales, Marketing & HR
    8. Initiation of plans to provide more environment-friendly products, and better service to the Pakistani consumer

    Our Members